Digging: April is National Safe Digging Month

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April is Safe Digging Month, a month dedicated to promoting “Click or Call Before You Dig” across North America. Canuck Right-of-Way is proud to be part of the safe digging community, 365 days a year.

Every time you dig in the ground, you risk hitting buried infrastructure. Whether you’re undertaking a road working project, an industrial project or home improvement projects, placing a One Call helps reduce your risk of coming in contact with buried infrastructure. Proactive digging practices like placing a One Call help reduce the risk of damaging buried infrastructure.

Placing your One Call is easy and free – you just need to have your plans ready. If you’re planning a project larger than a home improvement, contact Canuck and let us help you plan your site layout, laydown, and excavation. We have a diverse team ready to help!

Follow us on Twitter for more news on Safe Digging.

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